Last time I ended with rejoining Fabian. We were at the cafe and I ate a meat pie which I had mistaken for an apple pie. That was somewhat disappointing since good pies or cakes had been hard to get. … Continue reading

Last time I ended with rejoining Fabian. We were at the cafe and I ate a meat pie which I had mistaken for an apple pie. That was somewhat disappointing since good pies or cakes had been hard to get. … Continue reading
Am 27. Februar bin ich nach Kapstadt geflogen. Eine Woche spaeter sind wir gestartet. Das ist mitlerweile 100 Tage her. In dem Zeitraum habe ich 4935 Kilometer an 51 Fahrtagen zurueckgelegt. Tim hat wegen der Trennung etwa 5500 Kilometer 57 … Continue reading
On the further adventures of Tim traveling alone and how he would finally meet Fabian again: Leaving Kigoma was quite a hassle with lacks of communication, scammers, exortioners and most of all beginning symptoms of culture shock. One would think … Continue reading